Combat Courses
12B10 Combat Engineer MOS-T
Purpose: To provide reclassification training for military personnel with prior military experience so that they may obtain the skills necessary to perform as a Combat Engineer.
Course Scope: The 12B10 (R) POI encompasses all skill level 1 critical tasks selected for resident training as listed in STP 5-12B1-SM, providing technical training in basic demolitions, wire obstacles, explosive hazards, fixed bridging, and urban operations.
B30 Combat Engineer ALC
Purpose: The 12B30 Combat Engineer Advanced Leaders Course provides 12B Noncommissioned Officers with the technical and tactical skills required to successfully serve as Combat Engineer Squad Leaders. The course also enhances the student's ability to lead, train, and direct subordinates in all aspects of Combat Engineering.
Phase Scope: Students will demonstrate proficiency in demolitions, explosive hazards, combat construction, combat tactics, the employment of combat engineer equipment and Leader Core Competencies (LCC).
Total Academic Hours: 110.0
12B40 Combat Engineer SLC
Purpose: Train MOS 12B/C Platoon Sergeants to train, supervise and manage engineer platoons in operations involving mobility, countermobility, and survivability on the modern battlefield.
Phase Scope: Students will demonstrate proficiency in Leader Core Competencies (LCC), Engineering, Explosive Hazards, Military Load Class, Fixed Bridging, Float Bridging, Tactics, and Digital Battle Command Systems.
Total Academic Hours: 148.0
12C10 Bridge Crewmember MOS-T
Purpose: To provide reclassification training for military personnel so that they may obtain the skills necessary to perform as a Bridge Crewmember.
Course Scope: The 12C11 Bridge Crewmember course encompasses all skill level 1 critical tasks selected for resident training as listed in STP 5-12C1-SM , provides technical training in Fixed Bridging and Float Bridging.
12C30 Bridge Crewmember ALC
Purpose: The 12C30 Bridge Crewmember Advanced Leaders Course provides 12C Noncommissioned Officers with the technical and tactical skills required to successfully serve as Bridge Crewmember Section Sergeants. The course also enhances the student's ability to lead, train, and direct subordinates in all aspects of Multi Role Bridge Company operations.
Phase Scope: Students will demonstrate proficiency in Military History, demolitions, reconnaissance, fixed bridging, float bridging, explosive hazards, combat tactics, and the employment of Bridge Crewmember equipment.
Total Academic Hours: 140.7
Officer Candidate School
Officer Candidate School Pre Phase
Course Scope:
Presents introduction to selected personnel in basic military subjects to prepare them for enrollment in OCS phase I training. See following notes.
NOTE 1: This is an optional course conducted at state discretion to assist potential officer candidates in determining whether to enroll in the state OCS program.
NOTE 2: If state OCS POI subjects are presented for credit during this course and are not presented for credit in follow-on phases, all officer candidates being enrolled in the follow-on OCS phase I class must be enrolled in and successfully complete this course.
Officer Candidate School Phase 2
A. To develop selected personnel to be Second Lieutenants in the Army of the United States, the Army Reserve and the National Guard and to prepare them for the Basic Army Officer Leadership Course Training, Branch specific (BOLC-B).
B. To produce adaptive officer with increased maturity, confidence and competence that share a common bond with their combined arms peers and are prepared to lead small units upon arrival at their first assignments.
C. There are 7 Desired Outcomes for the Officer Candidate. These Outcomes are skills, knowledge, and attributes every Soldier possesses at the completion of OCS.
1) VALUE AND ETHICS OUTCOMES: Junior Officer who knows and understands Army values and begins to demonstrate them.
2) LEADERSHIP OUTCOMES: Junior officer demonstrates knowledge of core leadership attributes and competencies and applies fundamentals of leadership at team and squad levels.
3) OFFICERSHIP OUTCOMES: Understands and embrace the concept of officer ship.
4) PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OUTCOMES: Understand responsibilities of an officer for self development (physical, mental, spiritual and emotional) outside the institutional and organizational domains.
5) TECHNICAL COMPETENCE OUTCOMES: Possesses fundamental knowledge and understanding of basic military skills and Army management systems required of a Junior Officer.
6) TACTICAL COMPETENCE OUTCOMES: Possess basic military skills and demonstrates knowledge of the orders process and troop leading procedures while executing small unit tactics.
7) TACTICAL COMPETENCE OUTCOMES: Introduced to Warrior Task and Battle Drills and fundamentals of Army operations.
Course Scope:
Introduction to Army Doctrine focusing on Leadership, Ethics, Squad and Platoon level tactics. The context and organization of the light Infantry Squad and Platoon provide the framework for learning how to integrate individual and collective tasks to accomplish assigned mission. The training culminates with a FLX II utilizing Squad and Platoon STX.