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Federal Income Tax Withholding after Leaving the Military
Gray Area Retirees Now Have a New Avenue to Stay Connected: A New Kind of myPay Account
Tricare Select (for ages 60-65 retirees) will now have an annual premium cost beginning 1 January 2021. Retirees automatic bank withdrawl must be setup with Tricare prior to 1 January 2021.
Find requests for DD Form 214 and your National Guard record.
For more information available for your records visit the link below.
As you approach your retirement benefit date here is some important information for you to know.
Retired Pay Application Checklist - DD Form 108
Date for Payment of Retired Personnel - DD Form 2656
Direct Deposit slip - FMS 2231
Find requests for DD Form 214 and your National Guard record.
Veterans Affairs Action Plan: Burn Pits and Airborne Hazards
Registry for Veterans and Service Members
VA's Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry allows Eligible Veterans and Service Members to document their exposures and report concerns through and online questionnaire.
For more information or to register, please visit the VA website.
ND ESGR (Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve)
Interested in joining the ESGR Team? Interested in joining the ESGR Team?
Visit the website or Contact Janette Fetch 701-333-2057
ND Drivers Licenses to feature "Veteran" Indicator
HB 1197 Became effective August 1, 2011. This bill allows Military Veterans to have a "Veteran" indicator placed on their North Dakota Driver's License.
The application form, SFN 59980, is only available from State, County, Tribal and National Veteran Service Officers.
For more information please visit the website.
TRICARE Changes in Medication Co-Payments
On Jan. 1, some copayments for prescription drugs will increase. If beneficiaries get their prescriptions through the TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery or at a retail network pharmacy, they’ll pay anywhere from $2 to $7 more starting Jan. 1. Congress made this change in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.
There’s still no cost to fill prescriptions at military pharmacies. And these cost changes don’t apply to active duty service members (ADSMs). ADSMs still pay nothing for covered drugs at military and network pharmacies. Copayments for survivors of ADSMs are the same as the 2017 rates. Copayments remain the same for medically retired service members and their family members, too.
For the latest TRICARE pharmacy costs, visit TRICARE Costs. To learn more about the pharmacy benefit, visit Pharmacy on the TRICARE website.
Military Retiree Payday Changes
To help you plan for 2020, below is a list of the days you should expect to receive your retired or annuitant pay. Retired and annuitant pay is due on the first of the month. However, if the first falls on a weekend or holiday, retirees get paid on last business day of the prior month and annuitants get paid on the first business day of month.
For more information visit the Defense Finance and Accounting Service website.
Access your VA benefits
New Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense website enables eligible users to access their records over the internet.
First time users need to create an account. See website for additional details to see if you qualify for an account.
Federal Rules Published for TRICARE Retired Reserve
The interim final rule for the Tricare Retired Reserve, or TRR, program has been published. That brings the opportunity for members of the Retired Reserve who are not yet age 60, the so-called "gray-area" retirees, to purchase Tricare Standard coverage one big step closer to a planned program launch expected as early as September 2010.
At that time, instructions about how to qualify for and purchase TRR coverage will become available. If purchased, TRR coverage is expected to go into effect as early as Oct. 1.
For more information visit the TRICARE website.