Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) Mission Statement:
Our purpose is to deliver on the Army's commitment to Families of the Fallen. Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) connects you with people and services that can help you throughout the grieving process.
Many times after a loss of a loved one, there are unresolved issues or questions that may surface months or years later.
SOS can help you manage life's transitions and milestones.
SOS demonstrates the Army's commitment to provide support and standardized services to Active, National Guard and Reserve Families of the Fallen.
This program offers a holistic and multi-agency approach to delivering services by providing access at garrisons and communities closest to where Families live. SOS Professionals provide individualized support and attention to Survivors across the Nation.
Our Mission
Build a unified program which embraces and reassures Survivors that they are continually linked to the Army Family for as long as they desire.
ND SOS Contacts:
Sara Blazek
Survivor Outreach Services
MSTI Contractor
Work: (701) 333-3333
Mobile: (701) 658-9533
Toll Free: (866)-892-1282