Mission Statement
The North Dakota National Guard is committed to eliminating incidents of sexual assault within the military through a comprehensive policy and program that focuses on awareness, prevention, education, and victim advocacy for service members and their adult dependents.
What happens when I text or call the Helpline?
When you contact the NDNG helpline, it is answered by the local SARC (Sexual Assault Response Coordinator). Conversations with the SARC and/or Victim Advocates (VA) are confidential. You do not need to provide any personal identifiable information to contact the helpline for information. This means you do not need to provide your name, rank, where you are calling from or anything about what happened. You are not required to make a report when you call, you can just ask questions and get information on resources.
Who can call the Helpline?
Anyone can call the helpline for information and resources. You do not need to be a victim of sexual assault to use the helpline.
Can I choose who I would like as a Victim Advocate?
Yes! You do not need to use the victim advocate that is assigned to your area, you can choose a victim advocate from a different battalion or brigade. All victim advocates can help victims statewide.
If I report, what happens?
The Victim Advocate will walk you through all your options and answer your questions. There are two reporting options for victims of sexual assault: Restricted and Unrestricted. The difference between these reporting options is that an Unrestricted will prompt an investigation, include command involvement, and allow requests for an expedited transfer. An Unrestricted report information is only shared with those who need to know. A Restricted Report allows you to confidentially disclose a sexual assault to a SARC or VA without notifying your command or law enforcement. Also, you can still file a Restricted Report if the assault has been inadvertently or previously disclosed to command by the victim, suspect, or a third party. If a report is made to law enforcement or CID by anyone other than the victim, you can still file a Restricted Report.
There are many resources available to you with both reporting options. Available Military Resources: Sexual Assault Repose Coordinator (SARC), Victim Advocate (VA), Chaplain, Behavioral Health Provider, Special Victims’ Counsel, Military Protection Order (MPO- Unrestricted Only), Expedited Transfer (Unrestricted only), CATCH Program, LOD (Line of Duty- may help cover medical or behavioral health costs). Civilian Resources are also available.
What if the assault was with a civilian? Are resources still available?
Yes. If you were assaulted by a civilian, you are still welcome to use the SAPR (Sexual Assault and Prevention Response) office and resources.
What if the assault happened before I joined the National Guard? Are resources still available?
Yes. If you were assaulted prior to joining the military or at any point in your life, you are still welcome to use the SAPR (Sexual Assault and Prevention Response) office and resources.
If I report a sexual assault, will it really be confidential?
Yes. If a restricted report is filed, no one but the SARC and Victim Advocate will have knowledge of the report. If an unrestricted report is filled, more people will have knowledge of the report because there will be an investigation. However, only personnel with a need-to-know will be privy to that knowledge.
What does a Victim Advocate do?
A Victim Advocate is a credentialed professional who provides the survivor continuous support throughout the process, provides all information to the victim so they can make the best decision, and serves as a liaison between victim and service providers.
What if I was underage drinking when I was assaulted. Will I be in trouble too?
The DOD’s Safe-to-report policy safeguards sexual assault victims from facing disciplinary action when they report a sexual assault if minor “collateral misconduct” (such as underage drinking) is discovered during the investigation. The policy provides commanders discretion in deciding whether an offense is a minor offense.
Do I have to open up a case to get resources?
No, opening a case is not a requirement to receive resources. We are here to provide any and all assistance needed to survivors of sexual assault.
Do I have to use the NDNG SAPR program?
No, it is your right to utilize whichever organization you choose and the NDNG SAPR office can help provide those options to you.
I am worried about Retaliation if I report. What happens if there is Retaliation?
Retaliation is not tolerated in the NDNG. If you are being retaliated against or suspect retaliation, please talk with the NDNG SARC or Victim Advocate. There are protections in place if retaliation happens.
What is the CATCH Program?
CATCH stands for Catch A Serial Offender. The CATCH program gives people making a sexual assault report, who may not know the name of the suspect, an opportunity to anonymously submit suspect information to the Depart of Defense identify serial offenders. If there is a match the victim will be contacted by their local SARC. At that time the victim has the choice to convert a Restricted Report to an Unrestricted Report to initiate an investigation.
What is SVC?
SVC stands for Special Victims Counsel. A SVC is a military attorney who specializes in representing victims of sexual assault. SVC services are free to victims.
What is a SAFE exam and where would I go to have one?
A SAFE exam is a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam. In ND, the best place to go if you want a SAFE exam is an Emergency Room. During a SAFE exam a trained forensic nurse will collect evidence from your body and clothes after a sexual assault. SAFE exams are helpful for survivors who may want to pursue legal action against the offender either now or in the future. If you want more information, reach out to the NDNG SARC (701-425-4821) Helpline or the SAFE Helpline (877-995-5247). Please note in North Dakota, medical professionals are mandated reporters, this means that they will have to report to law enforcement. However, you still have a choice to participate or not in any investigation.