Our Vision
A premier force,
relevant today,
evolving to meet the
missions of tomorrow.
Our Mission
Provide ready units,
individuals, and
equipment supporting
our communities, state,
and nation.
Key Themes and Messages
Theme #1: Readiness and Lethality
Key Messages
Readiness is our #1 priority. As our nation’s combat reserve, we have to be more ready today to be more lethal tomorrow.
Always Ready, Always There is our brand and best describes to the citizens of ND who we are as an organization. We will always be ready and will always be there when called upon to support our communities, state and nation.
We are continuously planning, preparing and training to become more proficient in our war fight mission and to improve our ability to respond during domestic emergencies.
The State Tuition Assistance (STA) program is our best recruiting tool. The State Legislature continues to be committed to this program through funding and bipartisan support.
Camp Grafton South (CGS) expansion is one of our top strategic initiatives. If achieved, it would allow for the construction of a new Multi-Purpose Machine Gun range where units can qualify on all their small arms weapons and no longer have to spend precious training days travelling outside our state to achieve minimum qualification standards.
Theme #2: Partnerships
Key Messages
We are the community and a team of teams that includes our Families, Employers, and Community Leaders. All are important members of our team and critical to our success.
We are actively building mutually beneficial relationships and bridging partnerships with private organizations, communities, tribal nations, state and federal entities.
We need to stay engaged with those communities where we recently lost NDARNG force structure. They remain part of the team.
Theme #3: A Profession of Arms
Key Messages
The NDNG as an organization of professionals requires leaders of character, competence, and commitment.
Our culture demands everyone is treated fairly, with dignity and respect; where diversity and inclusion are highly sought after and fully welcomed.
Leaders at all echelons are encouraged to accept prudent risk and empower their subordinates to take disciplined initiative to achieve results and accomplish the mission.