For Immediate Release
Date: Dec. 12, 2022
Contact (VST): Janette Fetch at 701-333-2057
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Seeks Nominations for new North Dakota State Chair
(Bismarck, ND) – The North Dakota Committee of the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) is starting a search for the next North Dakota ESGR State Chair.
The State Chair is an official Department of Defense volunteer position with a three-year term of service. The North Dakota’s State Chair provides leadership and vision for a team of dedicated volunteers throughout the state to carry out the ESGR mission.
ESGR is a Department of Defense program to develop and promote supportive work environments for service members in National Guard and Reserve components through outreach, recognition, and educational opportunities. ESGR executes this mission through nearly 3,300 volunteers nationwide providing proactive outreach to Service members and employers making them aware of their rights and responsibilities under the Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). ESGR provides no-cost, neutral mediation to Service members and their employers when issues arise and manage a robust Employer Awards program to recognize the critical role supportive employers have in enhancing retention rates in the Reserve Component (RC).
“North Dakota employers consistently demonstrate very strong support for their Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and members of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve,” said David Somdahl, N.D. ESGR state chair selection team leader. “Those strong bonds were strengthened by Delton Steele, who has led these efforts as State Chair for more than five years.”
Ideal candidates may have recent business experience and Veterans’ status is not required. Those interested in serving should have an established network of employer and military contacts, working knowledge of the Reserve Components and military culture, and proven experience in budgeting, volunteer leadership management and recruiting, and strategic planning.
Proven leaders who are interested and meet qualifying skills for the North Dakota ESGR State Chair are encouraged to apply. Each interested candidate should submit a nomination package, including the following items:
1. Biographical summary or resume.
2. A letter stating his/her reason(s) for interest in serving, and thoughts and plans for leading the North Dakota ESGR state committee.
3. Other supporting materials, as appropriate (letters of recommendation, photos, etc.).
Nomination packages must be submitted via email or U.S. mail no later than Dec. 31, 2022, to the North Dakota ESGR Search Committee Chair at:
North Dakota ESGR State Committee
North Dakota National Guard
Attn: Ms. Janette Fetch
PO Box 5511
Bismarck ND, 58504.
Applicants may submit their data by email to janette.k.fetch.ctr@army.mil. Questions about the position or nomination process may be directed to Fetch at (701) 333-2057.
For additional information about ESGR, visit www.ESGR.mil.