As you approach your retirement benefit date here is some important information for you to know.
Important websites for Retiree Information
Human Resource Command webpage where Retired pay info, application and forms, benefits and special programs to those who qualify:
- then click Separations and Retirement Services Tab
- then click Gray Area Retirements tab
DFAS -Retired Pay Website (once receiving pay):
My Pay to create account and check the Retiree's RAS:
Tricare Information Links:
(*****very important annual premiums coming 2021 for Tri-Care Select (retiree's ages 60-65) cost have not been put out yet must be signed up for ABW by 1 Jan 2021****** )
Dental, Vision and Long Term Health Care Link (FEDVIP):
MilConnect to manage DEERS/RAPIDS:
DS Logon (portal to get to all web pages with user name and password except for My Pay)
eBenefits Homepage for VA/DOD Benefits:
Soldier for Life webpage:
Link for the most current Echo with updates on everything retirement (very important) you can get there from the Solider for Life Webpage: